Moments in time captured with various odd symbols referred to in the lingua franca as letters.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

American Politics and Debt

The US Political Media are obsessed with talking about debt, debt, and debt. Its almost like they woke up one morning and were like “oh, shit we have debt, we really didn’t know that.” Then on top of that, there has been this continuous, and its not ending any time soon, talk about cutting this and cutting that. The list of things that is going to be cut looks oddly like the usual Republican wish list. Planned Parenthood? Oh, yeah because that took up so much money.

There are two things that aren’t up for discussion on the Republican side of the spectrum: the defense budget and raising taxes. I agree there are things that could be cut, but the real problem the Americans are having has to do with the fact that the Republicans cut taxes and then maxed out their credit card. Irresponsible, but that’s what that party stands for.

I have realized something from watching American politics: it’s a circus act, and a freak circus act at that. That idiots and fools are given so much time to spew garbage, lies (I am looking at you Huckabee), and wallow in their own stupidity is a great portrait of a country that seems to be stuck in the toilet. To be honest, I am not sure a people as stupid as the Americans deserve a country so rich and free as what they currently have. With all that being said, I am going to try to write about other things on this blog for a while. I will let the idiots take care of themselves.


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